Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Checking in with Anna

Playing on the Winter and now Spring Select Soccer Team.
 It's awesome.  Eric is the Assistant Coach.  We get to watch her play different cities, including both Eric and my hometowns, Los Altos and Palo Alto.  Who would have thought growing up we'd be living close by, watching our daughter play in our old junior-high fields.  Speaking of junior-high, Anna has been "shadowing", or attending schools just for a day to see what it's like, for 6th grade, which is now considered junior high.  Here she is on her way to a junior high school down the street from us, that she's hoping to get into.  How do I feel about my baby girl moving onto junior high?  Horrible and yet, so thrilled for her.  She came home the happiest I've seen her in a long time.  I hope she gets in, because she loved it and she came home filled with stories of new friends, new teachers, cheerleaders, lockers, different ways of learning and new excitement about the prospect of moving on after elementary school.  Thank goodness this experience was a happy one, it gives me courage to wipe away my tears that she's growing up right in front of me.  I know she'll have fun, but growing up is complicated as well as sad.  I hope that she can always keep it simple like she does now.

Hey, I figured out how to get a video on here, but how do you turn it?  Anna, Ella and Eric have all said they've seen Colton walk across the entire room, but he doesn't do that for me!  I followed him all day with my camera, and I got videos of him playing with blocks, crawling to the open door at the bathroom as fast as he can, eating scraps off the floor, but I couldn't catch him walking!

He can build a pretty good tower and he loves his daddy.  We were playing hide-and-go-seek for Family Home Evening and he cracked us up how he found his daddy hiding behind the piano, and just lounged on him, while everyone else looked for him in the game.

Olivia took her first dance class.  She likes it

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