Thursday, November 29, 2012

More September/October/November Catch-up

Anna had a blast at Outdoor Ed in the Santa Cruz Mountains
Eric went for 4 days.  I need to learn how to reset these i-phone pictures so they come out clearly!   The last day they spent at the beach.  I couldn't believe that they saw the space shuttle as it flew towards Monterey from where they were.

 They both loved the food and all of the activities!

Ella has been outdoorsy on her field trips as well

Ella's  piano recital

Family Dinner celebrating dad coming home from teaching job in China and Teejay and Rachel moving here from DC, and my B-day, yeah!
All the kids are so happy to be with Rachel and Teejay again!
It was exciting for Anna to go to the stake's get-to-know the Temple Day before she goes into YW/YM next summer.  Grandma Nan is in the Stake Primary Presidency and organized and taught at the event.  Jane's dad gave a talk.  Such a special day.
My friend Irene who I haven't seen in 10 years.  She had 4 new kids with her for a total of 5 kids!  They live in Tennessee and were here for a wedding.  Incredible to see her family again!
  While visiting her at the park, we saw a turtle on a walk at the zoo next door.

We went camping one last time to catch the end of the Indian Summer in Petaluma.

The class I teach every other Friday!  The other Mondays and Fridays I assigned somewhere randomly.  I like it that way.  It makes it fun and interesting each time.

Monday, November 26, 2012


Here are a few gazillion movies and pictures (especially of the little one who can't protest the pictures!)...
Olivia loved her blond hair.  It was her dream come true to wear that wig.
But wait...someone, well hundreds of other girls, had the exact same dream.
Even her teacher was dressed as Rapuzel and she really looks like her.

Colton loved the petting zoo


And the buggy ride was pretty cool!

The we went and checked on Ella.  She seems to be adjusting just fine there, with the two friends she's known since she was born, Greta and Brynn.

That night we had dinner and cruised around with Lindsay, Cassidy, Brynn and had fun with Andrea, Jill and Tim.  They were so nice!

iphone pictures

September Catch-up

Anna has been busy making new friends at school
Grandma Nan treated Tauna, Amanda and I to Time Out For Women in SacTown, where our cousin happened to working a booth for food storage
I loved the Mormon mommy vibe there!  Seriously, it was an inspiring experience!
Gold Medalist soccer player took pictures with us.  Isn't she cute?
Kelly O'Brian played at Stanford and then on the Olympic team
My dad, Ben, 5 month pregnant Tauna, Bryan, me and Anna ran the Palo Alto Moonlight Run together

well, not really together, I think there was a 1/2 hour spread between me and Anna and everyone else, but we had fun trying!  I'm still really out of shape.
Ella's friends from 2nd grade dissolved when they all went to new schools this fall.  I remember going through this with Anna.  I hope we can stay close with everybody!!!!