Monday, April 8, 2013

Spring Break

We had too much fun at Harris Ranch.  Swimming, soaking up the sun, room service and hanging out on the horses at the gas station, ya know, vacationing.  It was so nice to get away and get a lot of pampering.

We loved listening to conference at home on Saturday, and with our Thomander cousins on Sunday.  We did a few crafts and had a potluck.

Ella had two weeks off, so she got to visit her new love, the horse ranch again in Portola Valley.  
Someone gave us tickets to the San Francisco zoo.

And have friends over...matching!
Now back to the grind.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Egg Hunts

We had two very special egg hunts on Easter.  Our great neighbors let us hunt eggs with them and then we got to Grandma Dee's where she spoiled us as usual!  We also got to visit Grandma Nan's the day before their big 3 week trip to the south and their room-mate Carribean Cruise.

We got to go camping over a long weekend with Ben and his girls and discovered some farms with amazing deli's and real apple slushies.  We also loved cooking over the fire and jumping at the sand dunes with them!

Now, back to Easter.

We also went to a lovley service at the Lutheran Church.  With all the extra pageantry of robes and candles and food and music, it was a wonderful experience!  They also had a wonderful message that was symbolized by reading the scriptures and extinguishing a candle for the scriptures leading to Christ's Crucifiction, until the entire church was in darkness.  It was a sad and lonely feeling to contemplate that day.  Then a priest walked down the aisle holding a candle that was lit and he explained, could never be extinguished.  This light overcame the darkness in the church and in turn, is enough to over come darkness in our own lives...that can never be extinguished, because the Lord lives again.  I liked it.  Happy Easter!