Saturday, August 27, 2011

New Foods

How fun is it to watch Colton enjoy new foods?! This video is PEACHES

, his most favorite so far! He loves sweet potatoes, peas, apples, bananas, yogurt...not so big on green beans, apricots and applesauce. You never know. We adore this baby. He is 7 months and weighs 20 lbs and is 29 ", that's 75 percentile weight and 99% in height. I think he got Eric's build. He is always eager to smile and make a friend. He loves being out and about but enjoys quiet time being cuddled and needs it everyday too. The girls go nuts trying to get him to smile and laugh. Every morning the first thing they say is "where is Colton?" And then it's "Colton....Colton...Colton" with lots of enthusiasm and peek-a-boos in between. I love having 2 babies at home while the big girls go to school. It extends my time being a mom a lot by having these two little ones. I remember when Anna and Ella played and did everything together. It is such a joy to have Colton and Olivia start to form a bond and be close friends at home. Now that I know that kids don't depart too far from their likes and dislikes as babies and toddlers, it is fun to watch Colton's personality grow and wait to see how he will respond in different situations. Will he be quiet, like Anna, or talkative like Olivia? Will he like dressing up like Olivia or want to be comfortable like Anna or will he be in between like Ella? It is a joy to have him in our home and watch him become a part of our family. We sure love and enjoy him!!!


  1. CUTE VIDEO! TOO SHORT, Though. we want more, more!

  2. That's beautiful! How lucky to have a boy who looks like Eric!
    Nothing like a video to capture that cute boy's personality.
