Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Memorial Weekend

I love Memorial Day at Eric's parents. Talk about a delicious B-B-Q. It's their specialty, and the kids enjoy seeing and playing with each other very much. CAF and CAF Jr.

"In the hot", as Olivia says

Swinging Claire


This post has lots of sleeping, oh well, it's so cute to see sleeping kids together. The secret is out...sometimes we let kids go to sleep in our bed when they can't fall asleep, and then we are surprised how they always find each other. And then, just so I don't get a lecture about sleep habits, we put them back into their own beds. I don't mean to sound defensive, but I guess I really am embarassed that we can fall for this. O.k.

Anna at her end-of-the-year Dance Show. It was GREAT! They have an incredible dance teacher at their school and their performances can be very tear-producing. Terrific job Anna!

Olivia loves her music class. It gives me a little chance for some alone time! You know, adjusting to a new baby is magical, but can be a little sad too as it's harder to spread out attention evenly. She loves to sing and dance, this Olivia. And she bangs the instruments like no other. It's fun!

Anna and Colton both fell asleep in our bed and when we came back after a couple hours, they were right by each other! Babies are so funny that way. They just love to snuggle, right?

Trying to return Ella's frogs she got for Christmas. This was supposed to be a sad picture of us saying "good-bye" since we neglect them, (hello, going to the pet store for crickets with a newborn was probably not the best thing to take on) - but they couldn't take them back after 15 days, so we ended up buying more crickets and we are home again with our fire-bellied toads. I guess we'll try better now that we know they're really all ours. Notice Ella has lost both middle teeth!

Sleeping in...kind of...well, just cuddling...we are definately not sleeping quite as much as we'd like to yet!

1 comment:

  1. Ali, Your family is getting so much older! So sad that we are not closer to watch them grow in person. They are all sooo cute! I love the sleeping pictures, and I am NOT going to lecture you about sleeping habits! Whatever works. Every family/kid are so different. They look so cute snuggling together.
